
Are they our brothers? Analysis and detection of religious hate speech in the Arabic Twittersphere

Religious hate speech in the Arabic Twittersphere is a notable problem that requires developing automated tools to detect messages that use inflammatory sectarian language to promote hatred and violence against people on the basis of religious …

Ensemble method for indonesian twitter hate speech detection

Due to the massive increase of user-generated web content, in particular on social media networks where anyone can give a statement freely without any limitations, the amount of hateful activities is also increasing. Social media and microblogging …

Social Network Hate Speech Detection for Amharic Language

The anonymity of social networks makes it attractive for hate speech to mask their criminal activities online posing a challenge to the world and in particular Ethiopia. With this everincreasing volume of social media data, hate speech identification …

A survey on hate speech detection using natural language processing

This paper presents a survey on hate speech detection. Given the steadily growing body of social media content, the amount of online hate speech is also increasing. Due to the massive scale of the web, methods that automatically detect hate speech …

Automated hate speech detection and the problem of offensive language

A key challenge for automatic hate-speech detection on social media is the separation of hate speech from other instances of offensive language. Lexical detection methods tend to have low precision because they classify all messages containing …

Deep learning for hate speech detection in tweets

Hate speech detection on Twitter is critical for applications like controversial event extraction, building AI chatterbots, content recommendation, and sentiment analysis. We define this task as being able to classify a tweet as racist, sexist or …

Hate me, hate me not: Hate speech detection on facebook

While favouring communications and easing information sharing, Social Network Sites are also used to launch harmful campaigns against specific groups and individuals. Cyberbullism, incitement to self-harm practices, sexual predation are just some of …

Hate speech detection in the indonesian language: A dataset and preliminary study

The objective of our work is to detect hate speech in the Indonesian language. As far as we know, the research on this subject is still very rare. The only research we found has created a dataset for hate speech against religion, but the quality of …

Using convolutional neural networks to classify hate-speech

The paper introduces a deep learning-based Twitter hate-speech text classification system. The classifier assigns each tweet to one of four predefined categories: racism, sexism, both (racism and sexism) and non-hate-speech. Four Convolutional Neural …

A dictionary-based approach to racism detection in dutch social media

We present a dictionary-based approach to racism detection in Dutch social media comments, which were retrieved from two public Belgian social media sites likely to attract racist reactions. These comments were labeled as racist or non-racist by …